Bobby Mullins, CEO of Quality Innovative Solutions, Inc.® gratefully accepted the “Outstanding Employer Support” award from Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy Chief of Navy Reserve, Commander Navy Reserve Force, Luke M. McCollum, on Friday, June 22nd, 2018 aboard the USS Omaha (LCS 12). The award is given to an employer who demonstrates outstanding support of the sailors who continue to serve in the Navy reserve. The certificate states, “By virtue of your actions, you have upheld the high ideal of service to one’s Country and furthered the cause of freedom through your support of the United States Navy Reserve.”
Quality Innovative Solutions, Inc.® employee, Brian Moriarty, LT, USNR kindly nominated the company in recognition of the support he has received while on two different reserve assignments.
When asked about the award, Mullins stated, “it is an honor and a privilege to be able to continue to support the US Navy through engineering and technical contracts as well as hiring and supporting members of the US Navy Reserve”.
Mullins also stated, “that we were up at reveille and exposed to a full day of education and training starting at 0630 and ending around 2200. We were escorted by the ship’s Commanding Officer, CDR Michael Toth, on a spectacular tour of the USS Omaha. The entire crew of the USS Omaha were extremely gracious hosts as well as impeccable instructors at every station. It was extremely gratifying to listen to their depth of knowledge of their ship and its systems. I beamed with pride all day. After the tour of the USS Omaha we were transported to NAS North, Is. to VR-57 and the opportunity to view six aircraft static displays. We were allowed to ask questions and was mesmerized by our nation’s reserve force in action through maritime, logistics, fighters, and helos that serve to protect all of us daily. After lunch our training day continued with a view and understanding of the riverine forces equipment and boats as well as the Seabees demonstration of HUMVEEs and transportation vehicles. The day’s adventures and training ended with a display of our Nation’s finest and most elite fighting men and women giving us a glimpse of what they face when they deploy in harm’s way. Amazing!”
Mullins served 28 and 1/2 years retiring from the US Navy, and the co-founder Carl Seastrand served fourteen years in the US Navy. They both went into their separate civilian work careers before opening the doors as Quality Innovative Solutions, Inc.® in 2004. Mullins and Seastrand pride themselves on being a Service Disabled Veteran Owned (SDVO) company that puts a focus on hiring military veterans, spouses, Guard and Reserve. Over the years Quality Innovative Solutions, Inc.® has hired numerous US Navy Reserve members and looks forward to continuing this partnership supporting the US Navy Reserve through employment aligning with and valuing their skills.
Our nation depends on corporations like ours to support the US Navy Reserves. Without the US Navy Reserves our forces would not be as strong and agile as they are today. When asked about the challenges of holding a full time position at the company and being a reserve member, one QI-Solutions ® team member shared, “Reserves is no longer a one weekend a month/2 weeks a year job. It’s now like having a second full time job. Working for a company that understands the demands the Navy Reserve puts on its Sailors cannot be underrated. QI-Solutions® has made it as easy as possible to transition between the two. I have never had to worry about having a job when I got back, which makes it so much easier to concentrate on my Navy job.” We are thankful and honored we can support our Reserve team members in this way at Quality Innovative Solutions, Inc.® Anyone who has ever worked two full time jobs can understand the stress and time commitment this requires, let alone the weight and responsibility of helping to guard and protect our Country.
We thank Brian Moriarty for his continued service as a US Navy Reserve Lieutenant, and for his and his family’s contributions and sacrifices. We appreciate and are grateful for all of our dedicated and valued Guard and Reserve employees at Quality Innovative Solutions, Inc.®